Varicose veins myths

The day you get diagnosed with some disease or skin condition, you start searching the internet for causes, treatments, home remedies and all sorts of information regarding the problem.

The biggest disadvantage of gathering information from the internet is the myths associated with that particular disease. Since you have been diagnosed with varicose veins, you must have gotten a lot of advice from people, doctors, friends and family.

Let’s find out What are Varicose Veins?

A varicose vein is a condition where blood vessels swell under the skin surface. These veins appear bulging blue or purple. You can feel these damaged veins with your bare hands. These bulges may appear superficial, but varicose veins can be rooted deep inside your skin.

Mostly these bulging blood vessels are harmless and painless, but in critical conditions, they may lead to severe blood clots. Minor symptoms of varicose veins can be treated at home, but in severe cases, you may need laser treatment, injections or surgery by your health provider.

Myths associated with Varicose veins:

Along with loads of positive information, you must have read some myths about it. Let’s burst into some common myths about spiders and varicose veins.

Varicose Veins Condition

Myth 1: Only women get varicose veins:

One of the three adults suffers from varicose veins. Women are more likely to get targeted by varicose veins due to their body muscle, hormone and collagen composition.

About 10 to 15% of men get varicose veins. You can find testimonials by men on health care websites about their diagnosis and treatment experience while dealing with varicose veins. Thus, it proves that the varicose vein isn’t gender-specific.

Myth 2: Varicose veins happen in older people:

Growing age increases the chances of getting varicose veins. With age, the blood vessels weaken and lose their elasticity. Genetics plays a vital role in the rate of getting varicose veins. There are many registered cases of young children about age 13 suffering from varicose veins. Hence, this condition can hit people of any age.

However, elderly people have more chances of getting this condition due to degenerated, weak and stiff blood vessels.

Myth 3: Varicose veins and Spider veins are the same:

A lot of people confuse the two different conditions. Varicose veins and spider veins both are venous diseases. Spider veins are red or blue. These look like a spider web as they are thin and small. These can appear anywhere in your body and are painless.

Varicose veins are big bulges of blood vessels that appear primarily on your legs. If left untreated, this disease can turn out to be very painful and cause serious damage by hampering your blood circulation.

Myth 4: Pregnancy causes varicose veins:

A lot of women get varicose veins during pregnancy. This happens due to the additional weight of the baby carried by the legs. This situation may aggravate the varicose veins but pregnancy does not cause varicose veins. Moreover, the varicose veins getting noticeable during pregnancy disappear after childbirth in maximum cases.

Myth 5: The impact of varicose veins is purely cosmetic:

Varicose veins are not just a cosmetic issue. Before getting them treated you must find out the reason behind getting them in the first place. Your increasing weight, inadequate eating habits, hormonal imbalance or genetics can cause varicose veins. All these serious issues can lead to bigger health hazards.

You must always consult your doctor at your first encounter with varicose veins.

Myth 6: Running and jogging causes varicose veins:

On the contrary, running and jogging help in improving your blood circulation. Regular exercises help you to get rid of stiffness. Small walks and morning jog stimulate your calf muscles and make them pump more blood. If you have recently got your varicose veins treated, you must wear your compression socks to avoid any sort of pooling of blood.

Myth 7: Recovery is very difficult:

Advanced scientific research and medicine have made it possible to recover from a varicose vein in a day or two. Several outpatient treatments are available to treat varicose veins avoiding painful surgery or anaesthesia. These procedures take 20 to 30 minutes to perform and you can resume your regular lifestyle afterwards.

You may be recommended to avoid lifting heavy weights or performing any strenuous activity for two or three days.

Myth 8: Varicose veins can be treated permanently:

Most people confuse the word treatment with cure. Let’s make it clear, varicose veins can be treated for a time being but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not going to get it back again.

In many cases, varicose veins popped again after complete recovery. Thus, there is no permanent cure for varicose veins yet. If you are lucky you might not get them back after treatment.

Myth 9: Crossing legs causes varicose veins:

Varicose veins have nothing to do with crossing legs. It is a result of damaged or weakened valves. The bulges start appearing when the blood stops flowing through these valves and starts to pool.

When you cross your legs, your already existing varicose veins become more noticeable. Thus, there is no such evidence of this myth being a fact.

Myth 10: Surgery is the only solution for varicose veins:

The surgery done for varicose veins is called Stripping. Here, the vein is removed from your body permanently. This treatment is still in practice worldwide. However, the surgery is only performed in extreme cases. With the advancement in technology and medicine, varicose veins can be treated in several other ways.

Invasive procedures include endovenous ablation, where the sedatives are used to perform the procedure. The vein is numbed and heat is delivered to the vein. Adhesive based treatments shut the vein permanently without removing them. Mild cases can be treated by non-invasive methods like sclerotherapy and laser therapy.

You must consult a vascular surgeon for advice on the best treatment in your case.

Myth 11: Varicose veins are always visible:

In most cases, Varicose veins get noticed for discomfort and unattractiveness. But, there are chances of you getting deep-rooted varicose veins. These types of veins do not create bulges on the surface but start pooling the blood deep under your muscles. People who have fatty tissues between their skin surface and muscles are more likely to suffer this condition.

Note: Do not start any medication or remedy without consulting your physician. Always consult your physician at the first encounter with varicose veins. These small bulges on the surface may be an indication of something big growing inside.